Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Evaluation feedback

You have made a good start on your evaluation, with task one completed (although you should add in how you have conformed to/subverted the conventions for each point) and four begun. You have applied theories of audience.

Titles of posts - make sure all are titled 'Evaluation Task x'
Evaluation task 3 - re-upload the audience feedback for your finished trailer - you should sum up what you have learned (positive and areas to develop) in your analysis
Evaluation task 2 - record a voice over/interview style footage where you discuss how the three tasks combine effectively to create a marketing campaign DRAFT DONE
Evaluation task 4 - what about the software you used to create your poster/magazine cover? Blogger to record your work? YouTube to view other trailers etc? Make sure all of this is discussed.
Remember to also upload any written responses you complete for exam preparation to add to your evaluation DONE

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